


I do not know about you but even though I have not lost a family member to this Covid-19, or any recent tragedies happening to me directly, but just listening to the news, and social media, can be depressing. Reading about what this disease is causing health problems, which leads to death, the killings, and […]


Hi There!! I hope the ladies had a great Mother’s day. Since March Laure and I have been quarantined at home. No bowling, no going and hanging out at the stores in the mall, no manicure or pedicure, no movies. Damn what is a girl to do? I do not know about you but I […]


Hi, I know its been some weeks since I wrote about my journey. With all the things going on, the Black lives Matter, the Virus, as I read the news, I find a lot disturbed me, So I needed a much needed mental break to just sit back and not let stuff out there overwhelm […]


I see a lot of posts on social media, of people gaining weight during the pandemic. Well, I have to say this old lady is losing weight. No, I am not on a diet and yes I do exercise and eat healthy, set limits. I have been trying to maintain my goal to lose weight […]