My Self Care Journey


I do not know about you but even though I have not lost a family member to this Covid-19, or any recent tragedies happening to me directly, but just listening to the news, and social media, can be depressing. Reading about what this disease is causing health problems, which leads to death, the killings, and the latest police brutality. It is all overwhelming and can leave you in a funk. I am sharing this article I read with you from AARP Sisters,

After going through hurricane Maria, my blood pressure (hypertension) was totally out of control and I had to come to terms to really do something about my health. Being overweight was not helpful either. So I decided to take control. With the help of my best friend, I am finally on a journey to my self-care.

Reprogramming how I eat is my first step. As a girl who spent her teen years in the Virgin Islands, the Caribbean. Plus being black, eating highly seasoned foods really was not good, but hey, I am human, and yes I love my fried chicken, ribs, and you get the drift. My Asian friend has helped me with cutting back and re-evaluating my eating options. Sometimes we need help. The question is is it working, and the answer is yes. Losing slowly the weight, and trying to keep it off. Next week I will share with you the rest of my self-care journey.